The Triangle of Reference 

The Triangle of Reference (also known as the Triangle of Meaning) is a model of how linguistic symbols are related to the objects they represent. The triangle was published in The Meaning of Meaning (1923) by Ogden and Richards.

The Semantic Triangle of Meaning has three parts. Symbol, Reference (Thought), and Referent.

-         - A Symbol is an item used to represent other things, ideas, or events (2013, p. 178).

-         - A Reference is the initial thought you have associated with a word.

-         - A Referent is the actual meaning of the word

In order to illustrate his point that there is a direct relationship between symbols and thought, Ogden and Richards created the “Semantic Triangle.” The triangle is a simple model in which the three factors involved with the statement or idea are placed in the corners and the relationships between them are represented by the sides. An example of how this idea works is as follow:


  1. Please explain to me the point important about theory. And why u choose that?

    1. according to my chooses' theories experts, the triangle of references is a model of how linguistic symbols are related to the objects they represent. why i choose that? because i interested to learn how we thought can represent to symbol and object.

    2. Please give me an understanding of the pyramid image you made dear!

  2. so,what the different this theory with the other theory???

    1. i dont know what theory that you want to compare, but this is a theory that can make you understand how you think can represent to object and symbol.

  3. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh this is very informative and intersting for those who are interested in this theory๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป

  4. Vira, if you want to give an explanation, it is better not to copy paste it, it's better to take an explanation from the article then phraprase. Because your blog only copy paste, right?

    1. are you sure that my blog is copy paste? if you sure about that, please give that link!

  5. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. OMG vira I am surprised to see you why you chose this theory. just entered your blog just started dizzy with the theory and symbols

    1. waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh, hai nora! tell me which part that you feel dizzy to read?

    2. Everything especially the symbol๐Ÿ˜€

    3. hai nora! my chooses's expert said that the triangle is a simple model in which the three factors involved with the statement or idea are placed in the corners and the relationships between them are represented by the sides.

  6. Assalualaikum vira.. How are you?... Vira can you simple explain to me vira because i still confused after i read your materi ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. waalaikumsalam, hai farni, i am fine thank you, and you? which part that you get confused? according to my blog above, its very simple i think. please tell me farni

  7. Hi Vira. Oke after i read your blog twice i still confuse about your materi. What is exactly your explain about ? What i conclude that you just explain the relationship of symbol, reference and referent. What is that ? Types of language ?

    1. hai sonia! of course that i explain about the relationship of symbol, reference and referent, because my materi is these. this is the triangle of references, a model of how linguistic symbols are related to the objects they represent.

    2. I'll give you suggestion, you'll take it or not is depend on you. I think your materi could be better if you introduce us about the expert. Because we also want to know the biography.

    3. hai sonia! thanks for your suggestion! i will put the biography from ogden and richards soon.

  8. Balasan
    1. Hai suci! my power point is next this blog!

    2. Where is that ? I also can't find that. Are you trying to me us confuse ? It's not funny as you know. And i want you to put the ppt right now. I can't wait to criticize your ppt.

    3. Hai sonia! im not trying to make you or the readers confuse, i think my power points is good to see after this blog!

  9. Woow That the good a ppt than others actually. I wanna know why u choose THE TRIANGLE OF REFERENCE by Ogden and Richards that's the best one for you? and please give example also, to make me more understand

  10. Hellooo! do you know my first impression when i opened that your blog is so flat and confused actually, you don't make it your blog more interesting :v and show the best one to be different than the others

  11. Hello ! do you know i'm so happy when i opened this you blog cause i thought i will get the best information :D you make me comfortable to spent my time in here on your blog, actually can you teach me how can you made it that design of your blog? i hopefully :) i know you are very kind in the world

  12. Hi. I interest about that theory, is that your opinion or copy paste from the mbah google?, so that's why i want to ask you is the theory relatable to the current situation ? Which is the truth is quite hard to find. so give the best answer ok

  13. Mornings like this are better off sleeping than reading your blog.

  14. Hello vira...this is so dizzy to read you theory so give me the conclusion also some example that happen in the life from this theory you have explain

  15. By the way i like triangle so i believe from the triangle its have history then make odgen and Richard create this theory.., so what the relationship triangle with this theory??

  16. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. hello, how are you? I hope you are always in good condition, and get good luck every day. I'm so happy to visit your blog, and hopefully the blog that you created is useful for many people. I just want to give advice that your blog is better if the style of writing is improved, made as interesting as possible so that people can be interested and feel happy reading your blog.

  17. Oiya vira, writing on your blog is very messy, I suggest you to make a neater look and make it more attractive. I'm so happy if you want to follow my suggestion:)

  18. Oia one more vira, I suggest you to make your blog more colorfull and have a sound or music. so that can make the reader feel cozy and happy:))

  19. Can you make you blog looking so good and people interesting because i see you text of the blog not neat so it should be flattened left and right if it looks like a caterpillar to the blog

  20. One again. The suggestion for you need put the profile expert ๐Ÿ˜Šlet's see the blog didnot have biography from odgen & richard just they theory ..,

  21. Hallo viraaa๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ hmm can you explain to me with simple word so that i am directly understand your matery? Thankyou :))

  22. Your blog is so good, you make this blog interesting for reader. Its good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  23. Can you tell me what the relationship with symbol? I can not get the point:( hmm


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